Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Week 5


  • This week we continued to work on the detailed report.
  • The research raised some new questions involving the cutting mechanism.
    • The laser cutter might be bulky and heavy whereas the robotic arm with a saw might not exert enough force to cut the branch. An example of the robotic arm with a saw is below.
  • We came to the conclusion that more research is necessary in order to make a final decision. Also, we decided that we should focus on the laser cutter now and find sufficient evidence to rule this method out before moving further with the robotic arm with a saw.
  • We researched  and found that the XactSense Titan is the drone that can support one of the highest payload.  The specifications are below.

 Robotic Arm with Saw

This video shows an example of robotic arm with a saw that can be modified and used for our project.

Operational Block Diagram 

Figure 1: Operational Block Diagram



XactSense Titan

Figure 2: Picture of  Proposed Drone


  • Max Flight Time: 30 Minutes
  • Number of Rotors: 8
  • Wing Span: 1,300mm (51.2 in)
  • Weight: 8,165 grams (18.0 lbs)
  • Payload: 22,680 grams (50.0 Ibs) 


  1. Guys, just wondering whether we can also make our drone to trim tree branches. Look at this video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1fe9IDx3vCs

  2. I think the drone in the video can successfully cut a branch only if it can also exert some force in the cutting direction along with the rotation of blades. My idea to incorporate that feature is to create a robotic arm on the drone. Can we design a robotic arm on the drone which can anchor to a branch when the drone hovers near it, and then use a movable saw blade to cut the branch?

  3. I like the idea, but if the robotic arm anchors onto the tree, then the drone is not really being utilized.

  4. Yes, I agree to Blesson. I think we should focus on cutting fruits.
