Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Week 1


  • Formed the Group

    • We created a group of 5 engineers in various fields.
    • Deepak Rajan was chosen as the group leader
    • Assigned different roles for group members

  • Choosing Project Idea

    • We wanted to do a project involving drone aircraft since it is a revolutionary up and coming technology.
    • Since we are all from India, the professor guided us to thinking about creating something that will help developing countries.
    • This inspired the idea of a Coconut Harvesting Drone.
After much brainstorming, we finalized the Coconut Harvesting Drone as the project idea. The main reasons are listed below:
    • Original idea to the best of our knowledge
    • There is a need for this drone as trained workers have become old and are no longer working, and there are only a few younger workers
    • Immensely decreases the dangers surrounding coconut harvesting
    • Makes the coconut harvesting process much more efficient, increasing profits for farmers and coconut retailers. 

1 comment:

  1. Graceson and I talked to Jay Bhatt about this topic. He really seems to like it, and he offered help in research more about coconut harvesting.
