Saturday, April 23, 2016

Week 4


       We have decided to make a detailed final report as the deliverable for this project. Although it was initially decided to submit a half-drone half-report deliverable, after some contemplation and deliberation, it was found that it is not a possible task to do so in this 10 week time period with very little knowledge in this field.

  • The focus of the paper was determined, and an outline for the final paper was created.
  • ​Each of the team members was assigned sections (figure 1), so they can start their research.
  • Each member is required to have some info for the sections entitled to them before the next lab meeting.

Figure 1: Initial Outline with assigned tasks for the Detailed Report


  1. Although not being able to construct a drone is a little discouraging, I think focusing on the report will be better for the project overall because we won't have to spend time learning something that has already been done before (building a drone). Instead we can focus more on researching the 'harvesting' part of this project.

  2. Yes, I agree with Blesson. It was definitely discouraging to decide not to build something tangible. But by making the report, we can figure out the weak points of this idea. Perhaps, we can even explore the possibility of expanding the device to a multi fruit harvester.
