Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Week 3


  • This week, we contacted Daniel Christe from the mechanical engineering department seeking advice about how we should proceed with the project. Since there is not enough time or budget to build a prototype of the drone from scratch, we asked Daniel if it we could borrow a drone, and focus on the coconut harvesting aspects of this project. 
  • Daniel replied saying that their UAV expert would not be available to help for another week.
  • In the meantime, the group started working on the detailed report.


  1. As explained above, I contacted Daniel from the mechanical engineering department. He said we don't have time to build a drone from scratch. He encouraged as to focus on a ground based solution for our problem. After hearing his suggestion, the group decided to do a detailed report for this project with lots of references. We will also focus on alternative solutions for this problem. Thanks to Daniel for all his help and support.

  2. We have decided to prepare a preliminary report as the final deliverable for this project. Next week, we need to divide the research topics for each group member and start the activity as soon as possible.
